Mariposa Emerging...
"We're creating a sisterhood where it's understood that even after active treatment ends and physical scars heal, cancer can continue to shape our lives -- from fears of recurrence, fatigue, coping with the side effects of treatment, negative changes in body-image, diminishing libido…even a deep desire to make huge life changes resulting from the crystal clear clarity you gain of how precious our time on Earth can be, especially when having been dealt a cancer Dx and irrevocable life-time membership in the cancer club no one willingly joins." - Michelle Slade
Hello, my name is Michelle Slade. With my courage up thinking of the strength of Survivor Sistahs taken too soon, determined to make a difference out of my own journey by moving people to meaningful action beyond showing pink ribbon solidarity, I put Mariposa MoXie formally out in the world on the eve of "pinktober 2013."
Drawing upon my nearly nine years of cancer Survivorship, I am on a Mission to create an energizing community for women that have fought all types of cancer that addresses our unique Survivorship needs and interests through resources that inspire, tickle and heal. For more on the first part of my journey, feel free to check out my journal, A Ta Ta Warrior's Diary: |