I get it...it's been almost 9 years since I got the worst Christmas "present" ever. I understand that many, maybe even those closest to me are thinking: "Why can't she just move on already?" "Hasn't cancer taken enough of your life/my life/our life?!" "It's unhealthy to dwell on it."
Truth is: I would love to move on and not give cancer another thought or another ounce of my life's energy. Really, wasn't it enough to "give" it my hair, my breasts, my ovaries, my estrogen and much more?! But here's the thing, cancer continues to be the "gift" that keeps on giving:
- giving life-long, life-diminishing side effects which can include: the loss of brain power due to chemo-brain; additional chronic conditions resulting from treatment such as heart disease, osteoporosis, depression, sexual dysfunction, etc. (just read an article yesterday that noted: "women under 46 who had undergone the surgery experienced a higher incidence of 18 chronic conditions and were more likely to have multiple chronic conditions." (Rocca, Mayo Clinic Proceedings);
- giving the life-long worry of a recurrence - that soreness, those lumps or some random ache, pain is proof a rogue c cell didn't get eradicated (although I know all that mental mojo conjuring up powerful images of Pac-Man chomping up every c cell plus tons of prayer had to help that chemo do its job); and
- giving more people its life-altering, life-draining & at its worst: life-taking toxicity -- estimated as high as 1 in every 2 of us!
"When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid." | Join me this pinktober in helping women surviving cancer: Your support will help provide CARE PACKAGES, MoXie Meet-ups & more! Take this year's #MoXieChallenge to #GoBeyondPink. Donate today! |